With surging popularity in locally made food products and health trends, we stumbled upon 4 Singaporean brands carried by Eden’s Kitchen, an organic snacks/ healthy food specialty shop housed in the quaint Everton Park. Apart from supporting Singapore brands, the shop also stocks organic green tea powder and tea bags from Fukuoka and Mie prefecture in Japan, and aims to educate consumers about healthy food choices. The shop owner, Ee Jia will be conducting a fermentation workshop on probiotics on 15th August (Please call Eden’s Kitchen for more information).
Cocos virgin coconut oil came in a pure liquid transparent form, unlike the white solid form we normally see in our wet market. Ee Jia, the owner of Eden’s Kitchen explained that the commercial ones came with chemical laced coagulants that might potentially cause heart disease. Cocos virgin coconut oil on the hand contains purely coconut oil, made with a special hybrid of Indonesian coconuts and processed in their facility in Singapore using the cold patented centrifugal extraction by experienced researchers.
She explained that the virgin coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which does not get retained in the body and keeps one’s metabolism rate high, which meant that it is a very healthy alternative to other kinds of oil and can help us lose weight effectively.
On our first try, the virgin coconut oil was easy on the mouth and had a light coconut taste and almost as dense as olive oil. We tried a mouthful of chia seed pudding that was mixed with the oil. It was fragrant, refreshing and not cloyingly pungent at all. I can imagine this coconut oil to go well with my salad.
Despite its immense health benefits and delicious taste, coconut oil extracted this way is still not very widely understood and used in our cuisine.
Similarly, Eden Kitchen’s coconut sugar is also a much healthier alternative to refined sugar. This coconut sugar has a very low Glycemic Index which indicates non-dramatic increases in blood sugar levels, is rich in antioxidants, potassium, zinc, iron and prebiotics! In comparison to refined sugar, coconut sugar does not cause behavioral disorders and even life threatening diseases like cancer. Almost like a superfood in itself! 250g of Eden Kitchen’s coconut sugar costs $5.40. =)
Nuts About Butter
Specially handmade and fresh-churned in their local kitchen, Nuts About Butter is the brainchild of Kareen Lai, health advocate and founder of Mums In Sync, a business which runs fitness and nutrition program that helps get mum into shape. As a personal nutritionist to her clients, she started churning out fresh almond butter for her clients as a health snack, and when her clients came back asking for more, she decided to start a business, preaching the benefits of almonds to others as well.
Realising that the benefits of almonds would not only help reduce weight, but the minerals from the almonds would also improve one’s overall health, Kareen came up with 3 varieties of almond butter for her current stocks (Almond Original, Almond Macadamia & Almond Sesame). She also made it a point to roast her almonds without oil. Each batch of almond butter is freshly churned with only almond, honey & sea salt and is free of any other preservatives.
Our favourite was the Almond Macadamia. It was very fragrant and went very well with the wafers that we were given and was even good on its own.
Their products are gluten free, vegan and diabetic friendly. Not to mention the lovely bottles that they have came up with. Perfect for gifts but they are just too cute to be given away!
GTCL Pte Ltd
Tel: (65) 9856 9161
Email: hello@gtclife.com
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