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5 Posts
Comida, oozy cheese toast that tastes as good as it looks!
When I saw those oozy cheese sandwiches from Comida on instagram, I have immediately pinned it down on my Google map....
Rainbow Village (彩虹眷村) in TaiChung, more than just a splatter of colours
I am always on the look out for beautiful or colourful architecture when I travel as they are good for photos. But th...
AMBA @ Songshan (台北松山意舍酒店)
One of the most important thing that I look for while travelling is having a good night’s sleep. During my rece...
Taiwan Gay Pride Parade 2014 臺灣同志遊行 2014
Taiwan has been hosting Gay Pride Parade every October since 2003. I am very blessed to experience this eye opening e...
Cafe hopping Taiwan – 4Mano Caffé
Near ZhongXiao XinSheng Metro Exit 2(忠孝新生站二號出口) is where 4Mano Cafe is located. Actually I stumbled upon thi...